BXH.COM How to trade XDT tokens on BXH (BSC) chain?
XDT is a stable coin issued on the BSC chain, at the ratio of XDT:USDT = 1:1;
How to receive XDT? Because of the asset stealing event, BXH is now distributing the residual assets in the BSC single token pool to users with XDT tokens. XDT token holders can receive a certain amount of tokens as per the distribution rules, and the corresponding locked assets will be automatically deducted after your successful collection.
Receiving XDT
Firstly, withdraw XToken from the pool.
After successfully retrieving Xtoken, click on the following figure 2 to retrieve it:
The input window will appear, and you can enter any number greater than 0 in the input box or click MAX. Click "Confirm" again to submit and initiate the contract transaction, and the contract will automatically swap the maximum amount of XDT and deduct the corresponding amount withdrawn (please check the latest official announcement for the swap price and ratio). After completing the transaction, there is no need to initiate it again.
2.How to swap XDT?
To swap XDT, please click the “Swap" button that is on the top of your menu bar (PC end), as shown below.
For the mobile end (H5), please click "More" at the top right corner, as shown below.
Click "XDT Swap" to enter the swap page.
All XDT held by users can be swapped. There is no upper limit. Enter the quantity to be swapped.
Select the token that has a sufficient amount for your swap. Note: If you choose a token with insufficient or no volume, you will not be able to complete the swap.
After selecting a token, the current token price is displayed, which is retrieved from the chain and will not change due to the swap. The expected swapped amount is calculated based on the current token price, but the final amount will be based on the actual amount received by your wallet after a successful transaction on the chain.
Click "Confirm" to submit to the chain and complete the transaction.